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What to look for when buying a list to execute your marketing plan

B2E has provided thousands and thousands of lists to companies of all sizes and industries. Experience has taught us how to provide the most accurate and appropriate information from nearly any data source. We will not work with sources we feel provide untrustworthy data. Lack of knowledge or understanding of lists and selects is the industry’s greatest weakness.

Not all data is created equal!

We have some advice for you when looking to purchase a list:

  1. Do not buy from a website, 99% sell out-of-date/ wholesale data.

  2. Only buy from re-sellers that can prove they are providing current-month data. 99% of list brokers, ad agencies, mail shops and many printers will sell out-of-date wholesale data that can be 4-9 months old.

  3. The USPS reported 25% of direct mail is “undeliverable as addressed”. It is best to be sure of all deliverability selects. Some retail lists contain some bad data that can be easily eliminated. It is ideal to request a DPV (delivery point validation) report before mailing.

  4. If one company is offering ten-times more records than another company using identical selects – be sure you know why. One may offer only gathered data (factual and verifiable), where others model and over-model many data elements making the data less accurate and in turn less expensive.

  5. Cost is the number one reason you may not receive the most current data available. There are nearly 2000 businesses listed as list compilers and list managers. 99% of these are re-sellers buying out-of-date wholesale data at very low prices.

Marketing Plan

B2E List Experts will:

  • Assist with saving costs while utilizing current data by properly selecting household status. One name per address – this avoids sending to another adult with a different last name.

  • When using ages, incomes, child ages, lifestyle/interest, and other data elements we will help you avoid the model “spikes”. Guiding you on selecting “specific” verses “inferred” verses “all” as well as “self-reported” or “inferred”.

  • Guide you with household member targeted selections. Many mistakes are made here.

  • Identify the most appropriate selects for net-worth, income producing assets, and home value. We often recommend using length of residence when including renters and loan to value with using mortgage data. Probable homeowners are not homeowners.

  • Many counties in the nation do not have court-house data and everything is modeled. We will look at the options and work to provide the most accurate data available.

  • We help you to avoid the irregularity of the file. Data that just doesn’t make sense.

  • We can save you money and obtain current-month data for you using our high volume-low price contracts.



Learn more about list purchasing or prospecting by contacting us at B2E

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